NBN Company surpasses rollout target for FY 2019

NBN Co, the company overseeing the construction and operation of Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN), has announced that it has exceeded its rollout and activation targets for the financial year ended 30 June 2019. In a press release regarding the development, the company noted that in the three months to 27 June 2019 its network rollout had ‘continued to gain momentum, powering ahead to connect more than 1.1. million premises’. As a result, NBN Co said that such expansion meant that by that date the total number of premises classified as being ready to connect stood at 9.93 million, compared to a target figure of 9.70 million for mid-2019, while the number of premises activated was 5.52 million, marginally ahead of a forecast target of 5.50 million.
NBN Co’s full financial results for the twelve-month period ended 30 June 2019 are scheduled to be published on 15 August.

Source: https://bit.ly/2HfM2X9

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